About 9 month ago I met Albert during my walk with my dogs. His children were playing on the street and Albert and I had a little chat. I thought “ what a nice guy”, we met twice after that.
During our 3th conversation in our neighborhood I was curious what he did as I often saw him with his children. He told me he was a coach and it wasn’t a coincidence that that was what I was looking for. He invited me for a free coaching session to see if he would be able to help me. At that time I went through a very challenging period in my life and being a people pleaser Albert made me see that I could make choices and that it isn’t selfish to take care of myself. Not only my life changed for the good but also my relationship with my husband. Why? Because Albert made me see that if we change and step up for ourself it gives more power and strength then when we please.
I am ever grateful to have met Albert and now work with him.